2009年4月13日 星期一

2009 Easter. Tyler's first Easter in US

Yesterday was Easter, we went to Aunt Joann's house. First Grandma's place of course, where Tyler got way too much gift.. he got a lot of Thomas, the engine... He was very happy.

Than we went to Aunt Joann's place.. the food was great even I didn't eat much.. too busy chasing the little boy.. but we had a great time.. I didn't understand most of the jokes and conversation and was still nervous.. but I feel I am getting more confortable with his family..

Frank got me nervous as they seems to care a lot of what other family think about Tyler. That got me nervous as I didn't want to embrass the family... but overall, he was a good boy and he had fun...

Here are some photos.. hope you like it..

4 則留言:

  1. 弟弟又長大不少了,妳家爸爸似乎也持續往横的發展了,看你們越來越順利,真替你們高興,我有些書要寄給妳,妳要直接給我地址呢?或是拿去妳娘家呢?


  2. 那個老姊 你地址電話用寄email的
    要知道 閑著沒事做的人很多的

  3. 怡君, 我妹說我不能post 住址, 我再mail 給你.. 謝謝
