2009年6月22日 星期一


上星期二, (6/16) 上午11:30 左右, 我正在清理廚房, 弟弟在客廳裡玩, 忽然我聽到哭聲, 心想, 又跌倒了.. 走過去看, 正要把他扶起來, 看到地上有一個白色的東西, 撿起來一看, 竟是一整顆牙齒. 我整個跳起來, 打開他的嘴巴, 發現在流血... 我趕緊拿面紙止血, 打電話給Frank 他沒接, 繼續打, 他說他要回電給我, 我趕緊打給我婆婆, 她要我打給小兒科醫生, 要牙醫的電話... 趕緊帶他去看醫生... 但是還是沒拿救回他的門牙, 醫生說, 掉下來的三十分鐘內, 把它塞回去, 還有機會. 但是會很痛... 掉下來的牙齒要保存在牛奶或鹽水中...

總而言之, 我家弟弟掉了一顆門牙, 我一直很難過.. Frank 非常生氣. 我可以了解, 這是我的錯, 我沒有把弟弟照顧好... 唉.. 對不起... 我現在都不敢讓他離開視線... 唉.. my beautiful boy...

2009年6月12日 星期五


星期三上午, 下著雨, 我和弟弟準時到達了 Planned Parenthood, 我預約了10:15的婦產科. 結果, 我們9:55 到達, 診所小姐, 不耐煩的告訴我, 喔, 醫生說他今天要到12:00 才會進來... 我很吃驚, 問他, 那我下午幾點來, 他竟說, 你需要重新預約喔 !! 要到下星期三, 下午4:30... 我問他, 沒有更早的時間了嗎? 她不耐煩的回答, 沒有, 你要不要這個時間?? 我知道跟她多說也沒有, 她根本不在乎...

走出診所, 雨又開始下, 我一邊開車, 眼淚一邊不爭氣的一直流... 這不是第一次我感覺到異國生存的無奈, 但是因為沒有保險, 而無法到一般正常的診所, 的確讓我覺得好像次級公民.. (我應該已經排到四, 五等... 還有, 我不是公民..) 好想回到自己的國家, 真的.. 現在覺得, 台灣... 什麼都好... 即使有許多問題, 政府, 福利, 真的是很不錯了...

最近荷爾蒙失調, 情緒起伏很大, 大家不用擔心, 過去就好了... Frank 說最少要兩年, 我才能真正全部適應... 兩年耶... 唉... 好想念台灣喔.....

2009年6月8日 星期一

Michael Rende's birthday

June is indeed a busy month.. Last Sat, June 6 was Michael Rende's 3 years old birthday. Lisa holds a great party at their house.. There are playground, inflatable huge toy on the back yard.. Moreover, they had magician !!! This one was different than the one Mark had.. This one is for children which was awesome.. keep them entertained and fun.. Even Tyler walked to the seat and sat himself for a little while.. I was impressed..

Most amazing was, lisa had all activities planned just in time.. one after another.. all very fun.. She is a amzing woman...

Here is the link of the pictures.. a lot of them.. take your time to enjoy it..

Grandpa's Birthday

June 3 is Grandpa's birthday. We had a small party for him. Dinner and ice cream cake... Grandpa is a great person who helps Cheryl and Tyler a lot.. We love him very much...

He is even planning on changing the floor and stairs of the porch so we can have more fun.. He is very considered and loving..

Here is the pictures of his birthday.. He was fixing Cheryl's car that night too... Poor greanpa, has to do everything.. But again, you are the greatest !! and we love you..

I had Tyler wrote him the card and attached some pictures of grandpa and Tyler.. He loves it.. Tyler loves grandpa very much.. because he is funny and lots of fun...


PS... Yes, Cheryl was there.. she was taking the pictures..as usually..

Big truck Tuesday - Highway Dep.

June is a busy month for Tyler... A lot activities.. parties... very busy having fun..

First, this is the "Big Truck Tuesday" at the Library.. He went last Tuesday and had a lot of fun..
He was affraid to get on the truck that would lift him up.. but that's ok.. he is only 2 years old. But he enjoyed sitting on the driving seat and press all the buttom.. Oh, yes, it was a lot of fun..

he even got a cap and free ice cream.. here is the link you can see all his pictures...

Tyler's first "offical" hair cut

Tyler had his first "offical" hair cut on May 31. Well, he first went to hair salon when he was 3 months old. Than Nov. 2008 right before we left for NY. But both times, we only did a little bit cut.. And this time in NY, it's really a cut... it's very short..

Either of them were pleasant experiences. He hates hair cut. Cry, scream.... like we were hurting him. I had to tie him with my arms and legs so girl could do her work..

The result is..... VERY short.. I didn't like it at the first day. But now it's getting better.. He is a cute boy no matter what..