2009年5月26日 星期二

Tyler's 2 years old party

We had Tyler's 2 years old birthday party on May 24, Sunday. It went very well. Mom spent almost a week reparing the food. It was so good.. I didn't have chance to take picture of the food but deserts... from the deserts, you can tell how much food it was.. It was all very good...

Tyler also had a lot of fun with all the kids.. I put the pictures on the website so you can see it..

Unfortunately, after the party, we all got sick.. Tyler started it and now it's me and Frank.

Very sleeply today as I took the cold pill. Hope you enjoy the pictures...


2009年5月12日 星期二

Mother's day

We had a small Mother's day party yesterday as Grandma's house. Well, first we had to clean the porch for Tyler's party on 24th. And boy, we clean that place up side down. It came out very nice. It's a great place for Tyler to play.

Mom made BBQ and we had a big chocolate cake.. it's very good.

Frank gave me perfumes, a T-Shirt says "SUPERMOM" and a box of chocolate (it's actually for him, but I appreciate the thought.) I still hope I can get the shoes.. Ha, Ha...

Jenn gave me perfume and candels... also... money. Very nice of her.. Mom gave me a purse that I liked so much from Burlinton.. It's so so pretty. It's white and... so cute.. Here is the picture.. Also money from Mom and Dad..

And Tyler got a Thomas bike and way too much gifts... Speaking about gifts.. we have not opned the gift from Easter yet and he is having more on his party... a very lucky kid...

Also, I got a lot birthday wishes from my Taiwan friends.. They are so so sweet. I love them all..

2009年5月8日 星期五

A sunny day

Ivy was here today, and Boy! have we talked !! I thank her so much for listening to me. And I am sorry for worrrying her by my blog the other day. I needed to speak it out and let it go.. Having someone to talk is a bless. When it's in your mother language.. it's wonderful.

Frank called again the questioned about the food shopping, insurrance and money spending.. Usually it upsets me from the second I know he wants to discuss about that.. But today, I managed to just have a conversation with him. I know I am not wasting money so I am clam with the questions.. I still think his questions are stupid.. but what can I do? that's life.

It's a beautiful Friday. I am taking Tyler to the park in a min..

Have a great Mother's day, everyone.. Love you all.

2009年5月5日 星期二


那天和Frank 吵架後. (也不算吵架, 算溝通..) 我終於跳出框框看事情.. 我發現我自己希望生氣, 找架吵.. 這樣講也許很怪, 但是是真的.. 一個銅板敲不響. 我終於願意面對問題了.. 那就是我希望怎樣的生活, 生氣, 還是快樂... 也許大家認為一定的回答是快樂, 但是不見得喔..生氣讓我把注意力放在生氣 而不去想其他事情.. 這是很奇怪的情緒. 但是我終於願意正視他了..

呵呵, 我終於可以了解那些憂鬱症患者的痛苦了.. 我現在想想, 我應該也是憂鬱症患者... 正視問題是改善的第一步.,

我要謝謝Frank, 謝謝Jackie, 謝謝涵丹, 謝謝媽媽. 沒有你們, 我會越陷越深...

我會繼續加油了.. 已經好心情好幾天了.. 但是要持續觀察.. 呵呵...

2009年5月1日 星期五


我真的是個奇怪的人, 不然就是我真的太閒了. 我昨天和今天都因為Frank沒有打電話回家而生氣, 氣啥? 我可以打給他啊.. 但是與其這樣做, 我選擇生氣.. 然後一整個心情不好.. 我氣的是, Frank 明明知道我會因此而生氣, 但是他不在乎. 還是選擇不打電話.. 我氣自己在乎, 我氣自己的婚姻這樣失敗, 可悲的是, 這是我從小最怕的事情, 但是還是發生了..

我問我自己, 是不是我有問題, 婚姻是要兩方面一起努力的, 是不是我方向不對. 每次吵架, Frank 會說, I am no angle to live with.. 我就會停下來思考. 問題如果是出在我身上, 我還能怎辦, 我努力辦好媽媽的角色, 我試試扮演妻子的角色, 但是Frank 需要的是個Working woman.. 他並不需要另一半, 他一個人過的反而更好.. 因此, 我嘗試帶好小孩, 不打擾他.. 兩人互動少到可憐.. Kelly 說家家有本難唸的經...

阿丹, 結婚前要想清楚... 呵呵.. 不要過度反應我的文章, 我需要發洩.. 把悶氣說出來.. 這也不是第一次, 不要擔心.. 不要跟媽媽說..